Did you spend hours trying to understand all the rewards credit card options but cannot work out which is best for you?
Well, life just got a little easier to find the best deal by using Mozo‘s new Rewards Revealer. Who is Mozo?
Mozo wants to provide a free, fair and user-friendly marketplace with all the info you need to research, compare and apply for financial services.
Simply tell the Rewards Revealer your annual credit card spend, the types of rewards that interest you and answer a couple of simple questions to get a customised list of credit cards. It gives you all the details about fees and rewards including the rewards value minus fees.
The rewards value minus fees is an important statistic, that lets you decide if the higher fee is delivering you the best value. For example, for a person spending $20000 a year Mozo recommended the Emirates Citi Platinum Card and Qantas American Express Discovery Card as the two best rewards cards. The Emirates Citi card has an annual fee of $229 but provides great value if you fly Emirates regularly with a rewards minus fee value of $437. The Qantas AMEX card has no fees, a rewards minus fee value of $234 and is the best deal for Qantas frequent flyers. (Check Mozo for the latest results)
With all the information presented in a logical format, you can easily decide which card is right for you and Mozo also highlights the latest deals available. Give it try and tell us if you found it useful.